Go to Preferences > About and copy the content of the "bookmarklet" field. Here is a tip that might help others to better integrate it with browsers.
All rights reserved.Also been using it as my daily driver for a while. NSBundle Codesignature Check Copyright 2014 Jedda Wignall. ShortcutRecorder Copyright 2006-2013 all Shortcut Recorder contributors MJGFoundation Licensed under BSD 2-Clause License. TransformerKit Licensed under MIT license. All rights reserved.ĭDHotKey Copyright Dave DeLong. KSPasswordField Copyright 2012 Mike Abdullah, Karelia Software. PXSourceList Copyright 2011, Alex Rozanski. KeePass Database Library Copyright 2010 Qiang Yu. MiniKeePass Copyright 2011 Jason Rush and John Flanagan.
HNHUi Copyright 2012 HicknHack Software GmbH.

KeePassKit Copyright 2012 HicknHack Software GmbH. This Project is based upon the following work: Please open an issue if you think someone is missing from this list! ArtĪd, Alessandro Vinciguerra, Alex Borisov, Alex Seeholzer, amd, Andrew Schleifer, AntoineCa, Anton Glezman, Benjamin Steinwender, binarious, Can Rau, Carlos Filipe Simões, Chester Liu, Chhom Seng, Christoph Leimbrock, Cory Hutchison, César Arratia, Daniele Polencic, darnel, Deiwin Sarjas, Deniz Türkoglu, Dennis Bolio, Dylan Smith, eiermaaaan, Erwann Mest, Filipe Farinha, floriangouy, Francesco Servida, Frank Enderle, Frank Kooij, Gaétan Ryckeboer, Geigi, George Snow, Henri de Jong, James Hurst, Jannick Hemelhof, Jefftree, Jellyfrog, Jesse Reppin, Joanna Olsen, Josh Halstead, Kurt, Laurent Cozic, Lenucksi, Leonardo Faoro, Liam Anderson, m0yP, Maarten Terpstra, Mario Sangiorgio, MBibal, Michael Belz, MichaelKo, Michal Jaglewicz, Moises Perez, mrdoggy, Nathan Landis, Nathaniel Madura, neuroine, Oleksandr Yakubchyk, Patrik Thunström, rdoering, remi6397, Roman Verchikov, Ryan Rogers, Sitsofe Wheeler, Stephen Taylor, thesoundofom, Thom, Thorsten Jacoby, Veit-Hendrik Schlenker, Volcyy, Yonatan Mittlefehldt, Zero King, Zhao Peng Copyright The following list might not be complete, please refer to merged Pull Requests on GitHub for more details. For further details, take a look at the explanation of the Free Software Foundation. App Storeĭue to being licensed under GPLv3 it's not possible to publish a version of MacPass on the App Store.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. See the GNU General Public License for more details. MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
MacPass, a KeePass compatible Password Manager for OS X Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Michael Starke (HicknHack Software GmbH) and all MacPass contributors Since it's browser based you can pretty much run it anywhere. More Screenshots in the Wiki Alternatives The Status can be found on the dedicated Wiki page.

Earlier versions of MacPass require macOS 10.8 Mountain Lion or later. MacPass 0.7 requires macOS 10.10 Yosemite or later. Or follow the Twitter account System Requirement Some questions might be answered in the FAQĪnother place to look is the IRC channel #macpass on xcodebuild -scheme MacPass -target MacPass -configuration Release CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO NO_SPARKLE=NO_SPARKLE Otherwise warnings on unsecure updates will appear. Since Sparkle is disabled only on the CI build and in Debug mode, you have to explicitly disable it in Release. If you run into signing issues take a look at Issue #92. The following command will build and make the application available through Spotlight. After that you can build and run in Xcode.